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Memorial Lutheran School

Summer Reading Challenge 2024!

The faculty and staff of Memorial Lutheran School love to read, and we encourage you to, also!


Win a certificate and an ice cream social after school on Friday, August 30! 


Tracking pages are due by Friday, August 16th, the first Friday of school.

Rules & Restrictions

Aim for age-appropriate, high-quality works.

Parents are welcome and encouraged to read with and to their children.  

Books may be used for multiple challenges as long as they fit each criterion.  


For more information on each challenge, please see the Summer Reading Challenge Information Sheet

Out Read Pastor Paul Tracker

Olympic Award Tracker

Family Fun Award Tracker

“Series-us” Fun Award Tracker

Literature Award Tracker

Biblical Scholar Award Tracker

Theological Reading Award Tracker

Historical Award Tracker                                   

Polymath Award Tracker

Upper School Book Club Award Tracker

Upper School Reading Challenge



Happy Reading!