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Memorial Lutheran School students donate offerings weekly in Chapel. 

Rev. St-Onge Ministry 


Dear MLS Families, 

Thank you for a successful first semester of chapel offerings for the “Telling the Next Generation” mission through the Lutheran Heritage Foundation.  We will be making a gift of over $3,500 to this mission through LHF as we close out this semester.  Thank you so much for your support! 

Next semester, we will be supporting Rev. Charles St-Onge and his ministry in both Canada and the Caribbean.  Rev. Charles and Deborah St-Onge serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in the Latin America and Caribbean region. In his role as a regional area facilitator, Charles supports and expands work in the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico, and is the region’s liaison to Haiti. From opening a school in Jamaica to overseeing disaster response in Puerto Rico to providing pastoral care in the Caymans, the work is as varied as the people he serves. He also serves as mission pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church in Montreal, a multilingual, multicultural community reaching out to the tens of thousands of immigrants coming to Canada’s largest French-speaking city. 

We look forward to supporting Rev. St-Onge and his ministry for this next semester! 

In Him, 

Kim Bohot 
Chapel Offering Coordinator 

Find out more about Rev. St-Onge and his ministry at